Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Last Outdoor Learning Classroom of the year!

The kids had a great time on Monday birdwatching.   All year they have been studying different aspects of birds or bird lives, and they were able to put all of the pieces together today... they looked for nests, listened for different bird calls, and just enjoyed being outside on such a nice Spring day.  THANK YOU to all of the different parent volunteers that helped out with the 
Outdoor Learning Classroom throughout the year!

Saturday, April 4, 2015


So many wonderful sights and sounds are letting us know SPRING is here in St. Louis!  We are so fortunate to have this beautiful tree right outside our classroom.  We enjoy looking at it every day!  We wrote our Florida pen pals this week and sent this picture, along with some other pictures of flowers blooming around Spoede.  

"And the award goes to....."

We wrapped up our Opinion Writing unit on Friday with an AWARDS celebration.  The kids each wrote nominations for their favorite book(s), came up with different award categories (Action Packed, Funniest Character, Attention Grabber, etc), and even judged the different nominations.  The award winners were announced during a small ceremony in class on Friday.  
The books were given small ribbons to place on the covers.  

The kids have been encouraged to write a letter to the author of the books they nominated  (even if their nomination didn't receive an award), and let the author know how much they enjoyed reading the book.  We will mail the letter, along with the book nomination to the author or publishing company.  We  are all hoping to hear something back. 

The nomination forms and book covers are hanging outside our room to help
 entice other readers to try these
AWARD WINNING books out!