Friday, October 21, 2016

Mystery Reader #2 - Mrs. Schober

Thank you so much Mrs. Schober for coming to read to the class today!  The books that you brought in were a blast from my past!!!  Good books never grow old!! The kids LOVED reading the maps at the end too!  THANKS AGAIN!!! 

Thursday, October 6, 2016


We got a visit last week from Mrs. Cotta, our very 1st mystery reader!!  The kids LOVED hearing the clues each day, and trying to figure out who wold be paying us a visit.  If you would like to be a Mystery Reader, just let me know and we will find a day and time that works best for you.

A visit from a NURSE

Many thanks to Mrs. Schober for coming in and talking to us all about the job of being a nurse!  The kid LOVED seeing the items you brought in, like stitches and how a cast is made.  We ALL took away some interesting information.  MANY THANKS for coming to visit!