Monday, September 22, 2014


Our class met their first behavior goal (getting 10 compliments while showing hallway R.O.C.K.S) and we used the Democratic Process to figure out how to celebrate.  We generated a list of possibilities  and then voted on our top two choices.  The winner was a CLASS GAME DAY.  

Playing Headbandz with friends.

Trading cards was a fun time!

Garon and Olivia playing Clue.

Pace brought in Monopoly to share and play.

Outdoor Learning Classroom

Our topic of study for September's "outdoor learning classroom" was Ornithology (the study of birds).  Each child studied a different bird and took field notes, marking down various information about the bird they were studying.  Everyone had a great time, and they were so focused 
and interested in this topic.  

A big THANK YOU to the parent volunteers that were able to come and assist!

Ashley and her mom noting the different field marks of the bird she was working with.

Ahmad, Nathan and Macie working with our "bird expert".

Hoji and Ryan working in our Outdoor Classroom.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Writing partners, spelling tests and Family Days oh my!

What a great, full week!  We had our first FAMILY DAY of the school year.  Did your child tell you all about it?  We will be having this special day every Early Release day!  

Our class had our first spelling test this week.  Every child had a unique and individual list created by THEM based on their own needs.  This week we talked about the long and short vowel sound a makes, as well as reviewed the "magic e" spelling rule.  During our Daily 5 time each day the kids were able to complete activities to help them learn the different spelling rules and patterns, as well as time to practice spelling words from their list.  Make sure to look for these tests, they are 
coming home in Monday's folder.

We had a FANTASTIC time working with our writing partners.  Take a look at how focused they are.  EVERYONE got something out of this work session.  The kids can't wait to work with their writing partners again soon!

Our first GARDEN DAY is this Tuesday.  I am looking forward to seeing
 Cherry Yan and Amelia Morrison

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Learning with KAHOOT!

We used the iPads to play a Kahoot quiz all about Voting and Elections.  The kids LOVE this interactive game.  Make sure to ask them all about how we play, and if they remember some of the questions/answers.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Early Release Day

Just wanted to remind you that students will be released at 1:15 on Friday.  Don't forget to have your child wear their Turtle Color Family t-shirts from last year.  (If you are new to Spoede this year, your child brought home a turtle t-shirt a few weeks ago.)  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Book Order

The first Scholastic Book Order will be due September 17th.  If you would like to complete the order online, please feel free to click the following link to take you to the class order form.  If you would rather send in a check, please feel free to make the check out to Scholastic.  I will be submitting the order on Sept. 17.  Let me know if you have any questions!

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The code you will need to enter is