Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Florida Pen Pals Sending WARMTH!

We got a special surprise in the mail today.  Our Florida pen pals made each child a fleece scarf!  
HOW THOUGHTFUL!  The scarves also came with a note for each child from his/her pen pal.  
We immediately wrote them back, and are thinking of something to make and mail to them in January!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Data Collection, Line Plots, and teamwork OH MY!

The kids broke up into smaller groups and made a plan of: who they were going to collect data from (what class), what they were going to ask, and how they were going to sort and organize their data.  After organizing their "findings" into a line plot graph,  they presented their information to the rest o the class.  The following are pictures of the line plot graphs that the kids made.  
Make sure to ask your child what group they worked in.

What is your favorite color? 

Things to do in the Winter 

What is your favorite subject?

How many teeth have you lost?

How many teeth have you lost?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Informational Texts Publishing Party

On Friday we had a chance to celebrate our
 Informational Book publishing  with the KW Kindergarten class.  
I am not sure who enjoyed it more...the 2nd graders or the Kindergarteners?  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

December Book Order

I never received a catalog of books from Scholastic for December.... HOWEVER, we are still able to place an order.  All you need to do is go to

and click on the PARENT area.  Then enter the code NDHJ3.  You will be able to search for specific tittles or search through catalogs on line.  I will get an email when you have placed an order....that way I will know to submit the final order to the company.

Let me know if you have any questions!