Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday Lunch Bunch

I was so happy to spend lunch today with some of these lovely ladies!

 I look forward to eating with them again soon... as well as the boys!

Red Ribbon Week

WOW!  What a great Red Ribbon Week we have had thus far. 
 I wanted to share a few pictures from the week.

Team Up Against Drugs!

Follow Your Dreams...Don't Do Drugs!

Put a "Cap"' on Drugs!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Ms. Paula and Ms. Lauren have been very busy planning a fun and meaningful 
RED RIBBON WEEK!  There are many fun activities planned... I know the kids look forward to this event every year.  What a great message too.... Say NO to drugs and YES to a healthy lifestyle.

Monday (10/27) - - Take a stand against drugs!  WEAR LOTS OF RED!

Tuesday (10/28) - - Team up against drugs! Wear a team jersey or athletic clothing.

Wednesday (10/29)  - - Follow your dreams.  Wear PJ's.

Thursday (10/30) - - Put a "cap" on drugs.  Wear your favorite hat.

Friday (10/31) - - Say BOO to drugs.  Wear orange and black.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Has your child told you about the OSMO yet?  This was a fantastic cool tool that works with the iPad.  We had the opportunity to use this over the past two days in our room.   I am hoping that we will be getting one to KEEP in our room soon!!!  Check it out on you-tube!  It is simply AMAZING!

Pace, Ashley and Mya using the WORDS game.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cool Digestive System Project!

Today we did a cool experiment using bread and balloons.  We pretended the opening of the balloon was a mouth, and put the bread (rolled up into a small ball) into the balloon.  We then worked the bread down the "esophagus" and the last stop was the "stomach"  ( the bottom of the balloon).  The kids LOVED this!   Have them explain the process to you!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Human Body Projects

Just  a quick reminder that the Human Body (at home) projects are due on Monday, October 14th.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!  THANKS!